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Things to Check when you Receive an OMR Sheet in the Examination Hall

Check that the OMR answer Sheet is not damaged or torn. Check that there is no Inkpot on the sheet due to spillage or misprinting. Check that the sheet is printed sharp and clear there is no smudging or double impression on the sheet. Check that the index points and time line are solid black. Also check that the index points and timeline are not appearing and marks of two colors printed one over the other, but with some displacement such that both colors are visible. All suck marks should only be visible in black color. If you find any such site, please notify it to the invigilator. It is quite probable that it might not be read accurately.

Check that if your site contains barcode, barcode is sharp and clear. There is no smudging nor there do any scratch on the barcode or near it. Check that the examination center seal or invigilator or supervisor sign is in the given box only. They are not crossing the given margin and not at all near or overlapping any of the index points or timeline markers.

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