The variable Data Printing module can be used for data personalization or pre-printing of data on OMR Optical Mark readable forms. It is used for printing sheets with unique sheet numbers or barcodes or any other fields of candidate information and to create separate or collated PDF files.
Used for printing variable data using input given in Excel or Access.
Used for Generation of Lithocode and Printing of Text, OCR or Barcode fields.
Creation of single page PDFs or multi-page merged PDF.
Selective printing of a series.
All type of fields can be read in single pass. Parallel Reading at Multiple Threshold in single Pass.
In this template design different type of fields have been depicted with different colors.
OCR fields used for reading printed numbers is depicted in Green color.
Barcode fields are depicted with Blue color.
ICR fields used for reading hand written text are depicted in Orange color.
Image fields used for capturing photo or snapshot of portion of form are depicted in Grey color.
Sample Sheet Design with OMR, OCR, ICR, Barcode, Image, Lithocode and Variable Printing.
The template is added with variable data parameters, which accepts data from Variable Data Printing module using input given in Excel or Access. Reading of various type of data blocks like OMR, OCR, ICR, Image, Barcode or Lithocode may need different modules added together to achieve the purpose.
VDP STAGE I- Blank Sheet Template to be used for Variable Data Printing
VDP STAGE 2- Sheet Template inlayed with Variable Data Parameters
The template is printed with variable values using Variable Data Printing module. VDP module is not essential for variable data printing. Variable values can also be printed using third party arrangements like regular Mail merging process using Word-Excel combination. However the use of VDP module helps in accurate positioning of values which is very important for accurate reading of dynamic data fields to be read by OMR software.
Can accept input from Access or Excel. There is no specific format. The Access or Excel may contain as many tables or worksheets. Each worksheet may contain as many fields.
The variable data input may be created manually or from a third party software.
Lithocode can be generated for any given field. Lithocode fields are added to the same excel sheet.
The OMR template to be printed is saved in SVG format with the fields written on the page as *FIELD*. There should be ‘*’ on both side of the field name.
The field name should be written in capital on the input SVG file and in the input data source file.
The Barcode field must be named *BARCODE*. In case there are more than one barcodes to be placed, then the fields should be named as*BARCODE1*, *BARCODE2*….and so on..
The VDP module can also accept input layout as Word file, in case you need to create multiple copies of question papers with uniquely printed Question Booklet No., then this is the option.
The VDP module can be used to generate Lithocode out of numerical values given in any field.
Output PDF Files can be named according to any Unique ID field in the data sheet.
COPIES lets you create multiple copies of each data merged template, the copies are generated as FILENAME+COPYNO. For Example: AAA01, AAA02, AAA03…..
PDF/FOLDER lets you automatically create subfolders containing specific number of files in a folder.
Several single page PDFs can be merged together to make on single multi-page file.
Sometimes OMR forms are large and extend to multiple pages. VDP module can be used to generate multi-page forms, by joining various variable printed templates in sequence.
The combined PDF is created for all the files in a folder. If several PDFs are required containing a desired series of pages, then the PDF/FOLDER option should be used while creating PDF. It forms several PDF folders with respective series of PDFs, which when merged, after selecting [Merge by Sub Folder] option then a single PDF for each folder is created.
Still if it is desired to have one single file for all the files in all the sub folders, then chose the [Merge Sub Folder] option.
VDP STAGE 3- Print Sheet with Variable Data Values