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Employee Leaves and Salary Records Management Software in ECAS

ECAS has the provision for online application for leaves, forwarding of application and sanction of leave applications. Besides leave application the salary bill can be generated through ECAS. Even the employees can download their salary slip online from their login accounts. This minimises the paper work and speeds up the process without killing much time thus helps the organisation in moving towards a paperless office.

Payroll Management and Salary Bill Generation in ECAS

Various structures of salary bills can be generated for various categories of employees.

Employee Management Software

Leave applications and sanction through ECAS

The leaves entitlement and application status can be seen by the staff online. The staff gets to see a complete status wise leave chart for various types of leaves provided by the organisation. This helps the staff to get an update of leaves available and plan accordingly.

There is possibility to post online leave application on behalf of other employees as well. In case all the users in the organisation are not system users and not well versed with the use of ECAS, still a common operator or a internal service kiosk can be established for the employees to get their applications posted thought the system and get sanctions online.

Not only a online request but also a scanned copy of handwritten and ink signed copy of application can be uploaded for documentary proof of application.

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