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Digital Classroom Attendance

E-Learning System Records more than just attendance.

We have observed that just the login time of any online study content is not a correct indicator of whether a student has actually studied the content. For example if a student has logged into an online live video virtual class, it is not necessary that he has understood the topic well, because he might have logged-in but might not be attentive or not paying attention to the screen at all.

In order to get a little more close to ensure student attentiveness and participation in class than just his presence, we have taken into consideration multiple gestures in recording what we call digital attendance.

Besides the Log-in and Log-out times for any online content, we also record every time a student responds to a chat message from the teacher, his thumbs-up and thumbs-down responses are also recorded as a gesture of approval or disapproval of his understanding and clarity about what has just been taught in the class.

Also if a student returns again to the content later sometime, the attendance is recorded each time.
Also all the student activity across various online course content including Video Lectures, Notes and Examinations is visible to the student himself at all times on his e-learning App.

All the participation activity for any specific student or all the students is available to the administrator on his control panel.

Digital Technologies in the Classroom Digital Technologies in the Classroom Digital Technologies in the Classroom
Digital Technologies in the Classroom

Learning Management System Modules

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